Home Entertainment Ashoka who went to seek blessings for becoming a hero!

Ashoka who went to seek blessings for becoming a hero!

Ashoka who went to seek blessings for becoming a hero!


Actor Asokan is the villain character in Tamil cinema. He is also a very close friend of MGR.

Apart from his acting, his mannerisms, the acting of raising his eyebrows up and down, it has to be said that no one has been born in Tamil cinema so far. At this stage, Ashokan first acted as a hero in the film ‘Ittu Sathiyam’.



So the actress told this news to MR Radha and went to seek blessings. Already Ashoka and M.R.Vasu were childhood cynics. So he went to MR Radha to seek his blessings.

Ashoka has also said another thing to seek blessings by saying that he is a hero. Athavatu has said that ‘I have just come back after taking blessings from MGR and Shivaji’.



On hearing this MR Radha said with his own sarcasm that ‘I am a villain, I am not a villain, so I will bless them, they are both heroes, how can they bless you?’ In other words, M.R. Radha has said that if you say that you are going to be a hero to the person who is a hero, then the competitive spirit will come. Actor Radharavi said this on a platform.

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