Home Health GYM Different Types Of Asanas And Their Benefits

Different Types Of Asanas And Their Benefits

Different Types Of Asanas And Their Benefits


Benefits of Asanas

The practice of Yoga Asanas has been around for ages because of their several health benefits. Following are some of the most significant benefits of asanas:

  • Yoga asanas help stretch our back, knees, and hips, thus relieving tension and muscle pain.
  • Yoga poses help calm our minds and reduce stress and anxiety. They also boost concentration.
  • As the body movement during yoga stretches our muscles, blood circulation in the body increases. It makes the body more flexible.
  • The majority of the yoga poses require us to sit or stand with our backs straight. It helps in improving body posture and also increases strength.

Also Read: Can We Do Yoga In Evening & What Are The Poses You Can Try in Evening?

Types of Asanas

Following are some of the most common types of yoga asanas that people regularly practice:

1. Shavasana

This asana is also called the corpse pose because it requires one to lay down on the floor in a still position. It is the best yoga pose for the relaxation of the body and mind.

2. Sukhasana

In this pose, one has to sit in a cross-legged posture with their back straight. This pose helps in reducing stress and anxiety and also strengthens the back.

3. Sirsasana-

It is the king of all yoga poses. Sirsasana is the inverted yoga pose where one has to perform a headstand for a few minutes. It strengthens the core and also helps in reducing swelling in the legs.

4. Vajrasana

It is commonly called the thunderbolt or the diamond pose, in which one has to fold their legs and sit in a kneeling position.

5. Tadasana

Commonly called the mountain pose, tadasana requires one to stand on their toes with hands stretched above. It is best for improving posture and body balance.

6. Kursi Asana

It is called the chair pose, in which one has to bend their knees slightly and stretch both their hands upwards. Kursiasana helps in relaxing the lower back muscles and also tones the thighs.

7. Balasana

It is also called the child resting pose, in which one has to kneel and bend their body forward so that the forehead touches the ground. It helps in reducing back and neck pain.

8. Setu Bandhasana

It is called the bridge pose. Here, the back is lifted from the ground to resemble a bridge. Setu Bandhasana helps in improving digestion and blood circulation in the body.

9. Bhujangasana

Also known as the cobra pose, bhujangasana requires laying down on the stomach and stretching the torso. It strengthens the shoulders and spine and is also good for the nervous system.

10. Padmasana

It is also called the lotus pose. In Padmasana, one has to sit crossed-legged with their ankles resting on opposite thighs. It improves posture, increases blood circulation, and tones the hips.

11. Vrikshasana

In this pose, you need to stand straight like a tree with one foot on the other leg. It helps in improving body balance.

12. Naukasana

Also called the boat pose, where one sits on their hips with the upper body and feet lifted. Naukasana strengthens the core and abdominal muscles and also improves the health of the kidney and liver.

13. Gomukhasana

It is also commonly known as the cow face pose. Gomukhasana is beneficial in reducing knee and back pain. It also strengthens the spine and hip joints.

14. Sarvangasana

This pose is called the shoulder stand, in which one has to lift their body with the help of their shoulders. Sarvangasana is good for getting relief from constipation and back pain.

15. Dhanurasana

Known as the bow pose, dhanurasana helps in reducing body fat. It also strengthens the thighs, back, shoulders and improves flexibility.

16. Trikonasana

It is called the extended triangle pose. Trikonasana improves blood circulation in the body and improves heart health. It also helps in getting rid of lower back pain.

17. Dandasana

Also called the plank pose, dandasana is one of the best yoga poses to improve body posture. It also helps to calm the mind.

18. Uttanasana

It is the standing forward bend pose where one needs to stand straight and bring their upper body down. Uttanasana helps in releasing tension from the back and neck and also makes the legs strong.

19. Paschimottanasana

It is the seated forward bend pose where one needs to sit down with their legs stretched and the upper body bent forward. Paschimottanasana is good for improving digestion. It also improves blood flow in the abdominal region.

20. Malasana

This is the yoga squat pose. It stretches the pelvic muscles and helps in reducing pain during childbirth.

Why Do We Practice Yoga Poses?

There can be several reasons why people practice yoga poses. While most people start yoga to treat their injuries or get rid of back pain, they continue to practice yoga even after their injury heals. This is primarily due to one reason; yoga help in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It prevents physical injuries, offers a feeling of serenity, and makes one feel relaxed while helping them connect with their inner selves. It is also said that yoga helps purify our aura or energies. As we switch from one yoga pose to another, the energy blockages in the bodies start opening.


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