Home Entertainment Do you want my call sheet?.. Do this.. Yogi Babu comes to shoot with conditioner..

Do you want my call sheet?.. Do this.. Yogi Babu comes to shoot with conditioner..

Do you want my call sheet?.. Do this.. Yogi Babu comes to shoot with conditioner..


Actor Yogibabu is a comedian who is keeping the market at par with a leading actor in Tamil cinema. And with Santhanam and Suri coming in as heroes, there has been a shortage of comedians.

Because of that, Yogi Babu’s call sheet is going endlessly. At that time many leading actors were waiting for Nagesh’s call sheet
Now it is happening with Yogibabu too.



At this stage, Yogi Babu is acting in a conditioned manner in the films he is acting in. In other words, local shooting means shooting in nearby locations. In other words, if it means shooting in Chennai, he asks to put it in whichever area is near to him.

He has put this condition so that when he is shooting for one film, he can easily go to shoot for another film. In this situation, they were shooting in Ennoor.



Then the crew asked why Yogi Babu went late. Yogi Babu is for this
He said that he asked me to shoot in the adjacent area. For man though
Kusumbu is there!..

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