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Everything You Need to Know About Organic Search


SEO has become one of the main channels for digital marketing since it helps in driving organic traffic, which refers to the customers who visit your website without the means of paid ads.

Appearing at the top of organic searches is a goal for every business out there. In today’s competitive scenario, wherein everyone can access any product or service around the world, it becomes quite difficult for a majority of businesses out there to shine among the potential buyers.

This is why most businesses think of hiring the best SEO agency in India, which might help them in this regard.

What is an Organic Search?

An organic search refers to the search results that appear on a search engine’s results page after a query, which are strictly calculated based on algorithms of the search engine, and are not influenced by paid advertisements.

Such results are based on factors like the relevance of the content, domain authority, backlinks, and other factors that would enhance the internet user’s experience.

Search results displayed after a query may also include paid advertisements, and they have the word ‘Ad’ beside them.

Does My Website Need Organic Traffic?

Organic traffic is one of the main traffic sources in inbound marketing (marketing which involves customers approaching businesses). Once you can drive in loyal customers, it becomes a long-term source of traffic.

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An organic search strategy might take time, but it is more likely to generate leads and revenue because it’s a non-disruptive form of delivering content. Also, organic searches produce relevant traffic because you’re answering exactly what the user is asking for and when they are asking for it.

Giving the right answer at the right moment does help!

How Can I Improve my Ranking on Search Results?

And now that we have discussed why it is important to appear on search results, let us point out ways by which you can have your website stand apart from the rest on search engines. These are tried and tested ways, used even by the best SEO agency in India.

  • Relevant Keywords

Utilise keywords that are in accordance with what you are trying to sell. Ask yourself; what is it that my customer is typing in on the search bar when looking for my product?

Along with the primary keyword, employ secondary keywords that come along with customers’ queries regarding the product/service they want to buy/avail. When you write informational blogs on your website, the relevant secondary keywords are included to increase your chances of appearing higher on search results.

Keywords with high volume and low to medium competition are your best friends; they have the potential to pull in the most traffic and are easier to rank for.

  • Quality Content

Why does quality and relevant content matter for your website?

Quality content not only has a good impression on the search engine bots, but also on the customers reading your blogs. People who find your content interesting might provide backlinks to your website, which in turn is another factor that Googlebot considers when ranking your webpage.

Always make sure to have a proper linking structure for all the pages on your website to allow Googlebot and internet users to navigate your website easily.

  • Optimize Title Tags and Meta Descriptions

Your title tags and meta descriptions are taken into consideration by search engine bots while ranking your website.

A title tag is the first line of hyperlinked text Google displays in their organic search results. Google algorithms consider them crucial for on-page SEO.

Moreover, your title tags and meta description not only improve your rankings, but also attract the eyes of internet users if they are optimized correctly.

These are some ways to make your website come out on top of search results. You can always try to do your best in optimizing your website for this purpose; however, it is ideal that you employ the best SEO agency in India.

If you are looking for such an agency, AdLift might be the one you need to consider and for a good reason; this agency caters to the marketing needs of highly reputable brands. Wait no further; contact them now!

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