Home Entertainment Johnny Depp plays a blind sailor in the trailer for Chinese MMO Sea Of Dawn

Johnny Depp plays a blind sailor in the trailer for Chinese MMO Sea Of Dawn

Johnny Depp plays a blind sailor in the trailer for Chinese MMO Sea Of Dawn

Chinese studio Changyouknown from the shareware MMORPG dragon oath, released trailer for my new project Sea Of Dawn. And it turned out to be a surprise: Johnny Depp played one of the characters in it.

His hero is a former adventurer named Philip, who has become blind and now hardly leaves his house, littered with souvenirs from his travels. He gives a tour of his treasures for the debt collector, talking about his fantastic adventures, which Sea Of Dawn players can also have.

Depp himself has stated that he always settles for roles that are fun to play. In the image of Philip, he saw the impudence that allows him to do what Johnny himself would never dare to do. He also talked about how he works on the role and why having a backstory is important to him.

Sea of ​​Dawn takes place after the Middle Ages, when European explorers rushed to conquer the seas. Players can join the crews of warships or choose to be pirates. The game was released on July 28th.

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