Home Technology News Tech Not many people know this, but Google also makes drones and has just introduced new models

Not many people know this, but Google also makes drones and has just introduced new models

Not many people know this, but Google also makes drones and has just introduced new models

Wing claims to have the definitive solution to transport merchandise efficiently using drones

Not many people know this, but Google also makes drones and has just introduced new models

It may not be one of the best known businesses of Alphabet (Google’s parent company), but it is one of the most interesting: wings is the sister company of Google that, for several years now, has focused its resources on the cargo drone development. After a few months of silence, the firm has now announced its new air transport vehicles created to meet the needs of different types of businesses.

In the announcement of its so-called “aircraft library”, Wing has explained that its main idea is to create drones suitable for all types of transport of goods through the air, be it a milk carton or a refrigerator. For that reason, it has revealed different types of aerial vehicleseach with a different load capacity, and aimed at a different type of transport.

Wing's new drones

The new drones from Wing, the Google subsidiary focused on the development of multipurpose aerial vehicles.

Wing develops drones of different sizes to transport all kinds of goods

Wing’s initiative consists of design drones intended to transport goods of any type and size. They explain that, on their planes, the merchandise should represent a 25% of the total vehicle mass. Failure to do so would result in excess load which would ultimately result in higher costs and more energy consumed.

That is why Wing has developed a basic set of hardware and software components that can be used to create a variety of different vehiclestailored to specific use cases.

This initiative opens the door to a delivery system more sustainableaccording to the company, because if an operational need arises, it is possible to consult this “library” and use the most appropriate type of vehicle.

Day by day, Wing’s drones They already make deliveries in Finland, Australia and the United Statesand the company is expected to begin expanding into other regions over the years.


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