Home Latest Feeds Technology News Quantum Break 2? Jack Joyce Actor Wants Sequel. Remedy too, but there’s a problem…

Quantum Break 2? Jack Joyce Actor Wants Sequel. Remedy too, but there’s a problem…

Quantum Break 2?  Jack Joyce Actor Wants Sequel.  Remedy too, but there’s a problem…


Quantum Break 2?  Jack Joyce Actor Wants Sequel.  Remedy too, but there's a problem...Quantum Break is in my opinion one of the best, but also one of the most underrated games. The production was certainly hurt by the initial technical problems on PCs, which is why the game was nicknamed “Quantum Broken” for a long time. However, it is impossible to deny its uniqueness in terms of mechanics, plot or climate. So it’s no wonder that many players would love to see a continuation of this game. Including Shawn Ashmore himself.

Shawn Ashmore, who lent his face and voice to the main character of Quantum Break, suggests that he would love a sequel. Unfortunately, everything will end rather only on his desires…

Quantum Break 2?  Jack Joyce Actor Wants Sequel.  Remedy too, but there's a problem... [1]

Control 2 officially announced by Remedy Entertainment. The game is coming to PC, Xbox Series X|S and PlayStation 5

Jez Corden, the editor of Quantum Break, tweeted a while ago: “Bring back Quantum Break.” I don’t think he expected Shawn Ashmore, the actor who played Jack Joyce in Quantum Break, to react to the entry. Ashmore merely wrote “Count me in!” (loosely translated: “I’m up for that too!”), and Corden’s tweet managed to get as many as 2 million views within the first several hours after publication. Not to mention how much the fans of the title action game from 2016 got excited.

Control game review – uncontrollable waste of potential

Ashmore’s reaction was shared by Sam Lake, the creative director of Remedy Entertainment, who provided the share only with a heart icon, but we know that Lake, like the actor playing Jack, would like to start working on the sequel to Quantum Break. However, hopes were dashed when Ashomre reminded with his next tweet “If only it were that easy :)”, that the IP that is Quantum Break no longer belongs to Remedy, but to Microsoft, which in 2018 bought the rights to the aforementioned brand. Well… we can’t count on a quick continuation (or maybe even any?)

Source: Twitter



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