Home Technology News Tech Sony shows off key parts of the new PlayStation VR2 user experience

Sony shows off key parts of the new PlayStation VR2 user experience

Sony shows off key parts of the new PlayStation VR2 user experience


Sony’s PlayStation VR2 (PS VR2) isn’t due for a little while yet, but today we’re treated to a further look inside the headset. In focus in this latest update is the user experience. Sony has shown off some of what players can expect when they strap into PS VR2, including a new see-through mode and a neat way to broadcast your VR gaming adventures to the world.

For anyone who has experienced a modern VR headset such as the Meta Quest 2, some of this won’t seem too ground-breaking. The original PSVR was, for its time, pretty incredible, but the space has moved on and clearly, Sony has caught up.

See-through view

PS VR2 see through mode

Thanks to the front cameras mounted on the new PS VR2 headset, Sony is introducing a mode to allow you visibility of your surroundings. It’s a view-only mode, there’s no recording, but it’s a great feature for VR to make sure your play area is still clear. Or to check which direction you’re facing since it’s easy to get disoriented.

Accessing it is as easy as hitting the function button on the headset or using the card in the Control Center (pictured above). The card also provides quick access to other features such as adjusting the size of your play area.

Broadcasting yourself using the PS5 camera

PS VR2 broadcast featuresPS VR2 broadcast features

What good is hot VR gaming if you can’t show it off to the world, right? For PS VR2, Sony is taking things up a notch by enabling players to broadcast themselves as well as their game play.

The feature will make use of the PS5 HD camera and will allow you to record yourself alongside your gameplay. After all, if nobody sees you flailing around in mid-air, what’s the point? But importantly, it opens up the idea of high-quality broadcasting to those who don’t have the space or the budget for a VR streaming setup. And we like that a lot.

Customizable playing area

PS VR2 customizable playing areaPS VR2 customizable playing area

As with other VR headsets like the Meta Quest 2, the PS VR2 will support a fully customizable playing area. Using the front-mounted cameras, players will be able to draw a safe space around their rooms, ensuring no obstacles get in the way.

This can be adjusted at any time during play, but if you get too close to the boundaries an invisible wall will present itself to warn you that you’re straying too close to the danger zone. The playing area will be saved to be used again assuming you stay in the same room. Naturally, you’ll have to carry out the process again if you move.

VR and Cinematic modes

As on the original PSVR, there will be the Cinematic mode available to view the PS5 UI and non-VR games on a virtual screen. Content will be delivered at 1920 x 1080 resolution, with HDR support, and at either 24, 60, or 120 Hz.

VR content will naturally get the full power of the system. Here the full resolution will be 4000 x 2040 (2000 x 2040 per eye) with the full 360-degree view. This content can go between 90hz and 120hz.

We still don’t actually know when the PS VR2 is going to launch, but the more we learn the better it sounds. The generational leap over the original certainly puts it on par with existing VR headsets, with the added bonus of some big hitters in the PlayStation library.


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