Home Entertainment updated Goldeneye 007 is in limbo

updated Goldeneye 007 is in limbo

updated Goldeneye 007 is in limbo

Famous insider Jeff Grubb toldthat the updated version Goldeneye 007which can be both a remaster and a remake, is in limbo. He hinted that the reason for this is what is happening now between Russia and Ukraine.
At the beginning of this year, the network noticed Golden Eye achievements 007 for Xbox Oneleading to anticipation of the iconic James Bond game coming to Xbox One and Xbox Series. Another one similar find came in June, but no announcements followed.

Recall that the original Goldeneye 007 was released in 1997 on the Nintendo 64. Part of the game takes place in Russia. In 2008, a remaster was planned to be released for the Xbox 360, but it was eventually canceled – possibly due to legal nuances.

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Екатерина Кулешова


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