Home Android News What happens if you block someone on Facebook

What happens if you block someone on Facebook

What happens if you block someone on Facebook


Have you blocked someone on Facebook? We explain what will happen next

What happens if you block someone on Facebook
Scrabble letters forming the word Facebook

Just like we can block someone on instagram oh block a contact on WhatsAppit is also possible block a Facebook contact to prevent you from contacting us. This is especially interesting in the event that there is a user who has repeatedly bothered us or who we believe may do so. The blockade can make us free ourselves from the presence on our social networks of people whose treatment is not pleasant.

But blocking someone on Facebook has some direct consequences What you should know to be sure you want to do it.

He won’t be able to add you as a friend

Button to accept or delete a friend request on Facebook

Button to accept or delete a friend request on Facebook

The moment we block a person on Facebook, logically we will no longer have that person as a friend on the social network. But you can also be totally calm because will not be able to send you a friend request again.

Thus, although in principle rejecting a friend request that comes to us is as simple as press the delete buttonThe reality is that if we have blocked a user we won’t even have to face it. That person will not be able to access anything related to us, not even send us a request to accept it again. In case you regret having blocked a person you will have to be the one to unlock itsince the other person will not have any access to your profile, not even to ask you to have it again.

Therefore, when you block a person on Facebook you can have complete peace of mind that you will have gotten rid of their presence on the social network forever.

He will not be able to see your profile

Facebook profile

Another consequence of blocking a user on Facebook is that will not be able to see anything you post on your profile. In fact, one of the ways of know if you have been blocked on Facebook It is precisely that you cannot see the publications of the person who blocked you. Not only your posts will stop appearing in their feedBut if they try to access your profile directly, they will not be able to do so, nor see your photos or anything you have published.

Of course, since the other person cannot access your publications He will not be able to leave you comments or likes either.. For practical purposes, for that person it will be just as if you didn’t have a Facebook account. Your statuses, your videos, your shared links, everything that has to do with the publications you have made on your Facebook account will be completely hidden from the person you have blocked.

He won’t be able to tag you

As we mentioned before, for the person you have blocked it will be the same as if you did not have a Facebook account. This means that They will also not be able to tag you in their photos, statuses or comments. When they try to search their friends list to try to tag you directly your name will not appear. Therefore, you should not be afraid that if the other person sees that they cannot communicate with you in any other way, they will try to do so by tagging you in hundreds of states. They will not be able to access your profile in any way, not based on labels.

It goes without saying that You won’t be able to tag the other person either. in your statuses and comments. This is something to keep in mind: blocking is a two-way thing. That is, the other person will not be able to access anything of yours, but you will not be able to access anything of theirs either. If you want to continue tagging another person in your statuses, you will have to choose not to block them. Facebook tags are something that can only be done between friends or public pages, and it is obvious that if there has been a block between the other person and you, you are neither one thing nor the other, so the label option will not exist.

You will not be able to speak in the chat

Facebook chat

By now it has become clear to us that if we block a person on Facebook, they cannot communicate with us in public, but what about in private? Neither. Messenger chat won’t work either with the person who has been blocked.

It is something that is logical, since when we open Facebook Messenger only the people we have appear. added as friends. Therefore, given that the moment we block someone they stop being our friend, the reality is that You will no longer be able to communicate with us. Therefore, there will be no possibility of private conversations.

This is one of the most interesting points of blocking, since when a person becomes annoying to the point that we have to block them, the most common thing is that they try harass us privatelyso it is essential that you cannot do so.

You will not be able to be invited to events or groups

Have you blocked a person because they spent the day spamming you to invite you to different groups or events? Don’t worry, from now on you won’t be able to do it anymore. And one of the consequences of blocking a person is that he will no longer be able to invite you to anything. Once again, inviting people to events or groups is a feature that is only available to friends. And since after the blockade you will no longer be so, the possibility of inviting events and groups will no longer exist.

Of course, it is important that we keep in mind that from now on We will not be able to invite the other person to our events or groups either.. Therefore, if we use Facebook as a professional platform, it is important that we have Beware of “easy lock”Since if we need to send our events to many people and we have too many users blocked, we may end up regretting it and having to unblock everyone.

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