Home Health GYM 1 Cup Sprouts Benefits, Calories, Nutrition Facts

1 Cup Sprouts Benefits, Calories, Nutrition Facts

1 Cup Sprouts Benefits, Calories, Nutrition Facts


The germination of seeds and legumes is referred to as sprouting. Sprouting is known to increase the nutritional value of foods. There are different types of sprouts:

1. Mung Bean Sprouts

High in proteins and generally consumed as salads

2. Wheat Sprouts

High in proteins, vitamin B, vitamin C, and vitamin E. Boosts the metabolism and regulates the blood sugar level.

3. Fenugreek Sprouts

Bitter in taste, these sprouts are a rich source of iron, protein, and fibre. Beneficial in blood detoxification and for diabetes patients.

4. Black Gram Sprouts

Rich source of vitamin K and zinc, these sprouts help regulate and manage your cholesterol levels.

100g of Green Sprouts Nutrition






Muscle building



Boosts energy

Dietary Fibres


Better digestion

Omega-3 fatty acids


Healthy skin and hair

Omega-6 fatty acids


Young and healthy skin

Vitamin C

13.7 mg


Vitamin E

0.1 mg

Eye health

Vitamin K

34.3 mcg

Prevents bleeding disorders

Vitamin B6

0.1 mg

Regulates the functioning of proteins, fats, and sugar in the body


63.4 mcg

Prevents anaemia


13.5 mg

Bone strength


0.9 mg

Prevents Iron deficiency anaemia


21.8 mg

Anti-inflammatory and anti-depressant


56.2 mg

Bones and teeth strength


155 mg

Reduce high blood pressure


6.2 mg

Maintain normal blood pressure


0.4 mg

Strong and long hair


0.2 mg

Red blood cells production and immunity booster


0.2 mg

Antioxidant activity


0.6 mcg

Prevents erectile dysfunction and improves sex performance

Sprouts Calories

One cup of sprouts (green moong sprouts) contains approximately 257 calories. 257 sprouts calories contain the following macronutrients:

  • Carbohydrates = 174 calories
  • Proteins = 74 calories
  • Fats = 9 calories

A standard adult diet contains 2000 calories. Considering this as our baseline, one cup of moong sprouts fulfil 13 per cent of our daily calories requirement.

However, different types of sprouts have different calorie distributions. Here is the comparison between different sprouts calories:

Different Types of Sprouts Calorie & Nutrition Distribution

Features (1 cup of sprouts)

Kidney Bean Sprouts

Lentil Sprouts

Pea Sprouts

Chickpea Sprouts

Soybean Sprouts

Adzuki Bean Sprouts





























Vitamin C

79% of the daily requirement(DR)

14% DR

14% DR

5% DR

12% DR

17% DR


8% DR

14% DR

15% DR

40% DR

8% DR

40% DR


27% DR

19% DR

43% DR

30% DR

Is Sprouts Healthy?

Sprouting the moong seeds activates many inactive enzymes and increases its nutritional value by 15 to 30 per cent. Similarly, sprouts of any edible seeds are healthy and nutritious because of their activated enzymes and high protein content.

Sprouts are rich in antioxidants that scavenge the free radicals in the body and help restore young skin and healthy hair. As per studies, sprouts are a rich source of phytochemicals and amino acids and provide a protective effect against cancer of different organs. So, yes, sprouts are healthy.

Also Read: Calories in Chana, Nutrition & Health Facts – Bodywise

Sprouts Benefits

The benefits of eating sprouts daily are:

1. Better Digestion

Sprouts help in better digestion because of their following characteristic components

  • Fibre – Sprouts are rich in insoluble fibres. Eating them will help in easy stool formation and relieves constipation.
  • Digestive enzymes – These are present in the sprouts and help prevent constipation.

2. Weight Reduction

Fibre-rich sprouts make you feel full. They are high on fibres and low in calories and therefore play a significant role in weight reduction.

3. Muscle Building

One of the benefits of eating sprouts daily is that it helps build muscles due to their rich protein content. Black gram sprouts are a favourite for vegetarian bodybuilders.

4. Boosts metabolism

Eating sprouts daily may help boost your metabolism and keep you active even during long working hours because of its antioxidants and fibre content.

5. Anaemia Prevention

As per a study, sprouts are an excellent nutritional supplement. It prevents iron deficiency anaemia due to its rich iron content.

6. Immunity Booster

Loaded with multiple nutrients such as vitamin B, vitamin C, vitamin E, and other phytochemicals, sprouts act as an excellent immunity booster. One of the benefits of eating sprouts daily is protection against the common cold and flu.

7. Anti-Ageing

Antioxidants are fully loaded in the sprouts and give them their anti-ageing characteristics. Harsh weather conditions, stressful lifestyles, and pollution in the air make skin dry and dull. Consumption of sprouts helps nourish the skin with Vitamin B, C, E and antioxidants. These nutrients make the skin glow and appear young.

8. Improves Sex Drive

Sprouts are a rich source of selenium. Studies show that Selenium is essential for normal reproductive functions in males. One of the benefits of eating sprouts daily is that it improves sperm quality and mobility. It also prevents premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction.

9. Cardio-Protective

Sprouts are cardioprotective, which means they protect the heart from various cholesterol-related diseases. One of the best uses of sprouts is their ability to regulate bad cholesterol. Rich in omega-3 fatty acids, they keep the heart healthy and young.

10. Eye health

With everything being shifted online, from studying to shopping, caring for your eye is crucial for your well-being. Sprouts are a rich source of antioxidants that prevents your eyes from oxidative stress and premature degeneration.

11. Long Hair

Long and strong hair are one of the benefits of eating sprouts daily. Sprouts are protein-rich that nourish the hair roots and prevent their damage.

Sprouting Instructions

Sprouts are now available in almost every online and offline store. However, sprouting them at home is fresh and more nutritious. Follow the below-mentioned sprouting instructions:

  • Buy raw and dry beans of your choice
  • Wash the raw beans under fresh water to remove any dirt
  • Add the washed beans to a bowl
  • Add water to the bowl in sufficient amounts so that the entire beans are submerged
  • Leave it overnight or until they have expanded twice their size
  • Remove all the water and now place the swelled beans in a piece of cotton cloth
  • Tie the cotton cloth piece carefully and hang it upside down so that all water drains out slowly
  • Once the sprouts appear, you can eat them fresh and also store them in the refrigerator or on the same piece of cotton cloth

Summing Up on Sprouts Calories

Sprouts are a rich source of antioxidants, phytochemicals, vitamins, and minerals. Including different types of sprouts daily in your diet will z`help you remain active, fresh, and healthy. Sprouts calories depend on the type of sprouts we are eating. It can range from 257 calories to 480 calories of energy.



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