Home Sports Cricket Batter Gets Run Out On Free Hit While Strolling Back To Crease In Pakistan. Watch

Batter Gets Run Out On Free Hit While Strolling Back To Crease In Pakistan. Watch

Batter Gets Run Out On Free Hit While Strolling Back To Crease In Pakistan. Watch

Rohail Nazir was run out on a free hit

Getting run out is one of the most heartbreaking ways to get dismissed in cricket for a batter and when it happens on a free hit, it is even more hurtful. Pakistani cricketer Rohail Nazir faced this eventuality on Monday during a National T20 Cup match in Multan as he paid for his lazy running.

In a match between Rohail’s Northern (Pakistan) and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, the wicket-keeper batter was run out as he was found short of his crease while strolling back at the non striker’s end.

It was a direct hit and the batter had his bat in the air as he very lazily returned to the crease.

Watch Video: Batter In Pakistan Run Out On Free Hit In Bizarre Dismissal

What made matters worse was the fact that it was free hit and it was the fielding team that made the most of it.

The dismissal didn’t matter eventually as Northern registered a 6-run win in a thrilling contest in Pakistan’s domestic T20 tournament.

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