Home Android News Can someone else in your family see your texts? Here’s the fix

Can someone else in your family see your texts? Here’s the fix

Can someone else in your family see your texts? Here’s the fix


iMessage is an excellent way to keep in touch with anyone and everyone else using an Apple product, be it an iPhone, iPad, or Mac. However, it can be a complicated beast at times, especially if family members are using the same Apple ID on different devices. If someone in your family is getting text messages meant for you, or vice-versa, it’s probably because those devices are sharing the same Apple ID.

This typically happens because, at some point, you all wanted to share content you bought from the iTunes store, including apps, games, music, movies, TV shows, and more. Unfortunately, if you don’t set it up carefully, iCloud, FaceTime, and iMessage can all come along for the ride.


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christyxcore@gmail.com (Christine Chan)


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