Home Food Recipe Cooking for Healthy Date Night

Cooking for Healthy Date Night



Whether you’re trying to impress someone for the first time, or you’re trying to boost the romance in your existing relationship, here are few “rules” that I try to abide by:

  • Keep it simple. This is especially true if this is one of your first dates. Make a recipe that is not so complex and really focus on the presentation. Remember, we eat with our eyes FIRST.
  • Keep the portions to a good fist size. By not stuffing the person (or yourself) with food, you allow room for another course such as dessert and/or alcohol and wine.
  • Avoid foods that tend to bloat or make people gassy. This is self explanatory.  While your dream date may be eating pizza – which is perfectly fine to do if that’s what you want – remember that you want your date to feel good about herself/himself. So, loading them up on cheese or dairy may run counter to that goal and could kill the romance after a delicious meal.  Think about it – have you ever had someone try to be affectionate but you’re not feeling well?  It’s uncomfortable and slightly annoying…
    • To that end, you don’t have to stuff yourself.  A polite idea is to say something like, “This is so good, I’d love to take some of this home with me. Would you mind if I packed some up for my lunch and dinner?”  Now, the etiquette police out there may advise against doing this because it can be seen as tacky; however, I find that it is flattering.  “The food is so good I want more of it.”
  • Always be grateful.  When someone cooks for you, it really is a way to show love and affection. And, for some, it can be very personal and vulnerable.  Be sensitive to this and be mindful of your comments and gestures. If it doesn’t taste that great, then keep reminding yourself how much someone cared to take time out of their schedule to make you feel special.
    • This has surprisingly only happened once for me. She surprised me with a picnic and we had ham and cheese sandwiches on white bread. To this day it’s still one of my most memorable dates ever.
  • Never show up empty handed. Bring a beverage, a salad, wine, flowers, dessert, etc – anything! Just don’t show up with an appetite.
  • Brag on her/him. Compliments in the moment do go a long way, but if it’s someone you’re trying to establish a real relationship with, then don’t be afraid to make a modest social media post bragging on your woman/man for whipping up some stuff in the kitchen.
    • It doesn’t have to be right away but it should be public (unless the person is a sidepiece – remind them of their role ON THE SIDE).
    • Public recognition is ESPECIALLY true if a dude is cooking for you! Lol There’s nothing like getting public love from someone who has captured our hearts – strokes the male ego.  And if you’re trying to get your man to do MORE cooking, then definitely brag on us (just don’t overdo it though).


Remember, food does more than satisfy our appetites.  It creates moments and memories that can stay with us for a lifetime.  You decide which kind of memory you want to create – the “spatula” is in your hand…

Tweet me your date night tips!


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