Home Technology News Tech Spotify closes one of its most promising projects

Spotify closes one of its most promising projects

Spotify closes one of its most promising projects

Goodbye to Car Thing: Spotify has decided to stop producing its device with which to bring streaming music to older cars

Spotify closes one of its most promising projects

Although it was announced early last year, Car Thing, the first Spotify device with which the company wanted to bring the streaming sound experience to cars, was not launched on the market until a little less than a year ago. The project was ambitious, but everything seems to indicate that it has not achieved the results that the company expected.

For that reason, as Spotify itself has confirmed, production of new Car Thing units has been discontinueda decision that would have negatively affected the gross margins achieved by the company, as indicated in its latest report for investors.

Spotify Car Thing for the car

The Spotify Cart Thing says goodbye: the company has decided to abandon the project

Final goodbye to Car Thing: Spotify stops producing its first hardware project

Spotify Car Thing was born with the idea of bring streaming music closer via Spotify to cars, mainly older ones that lack advanced infotainment systems.

According to the company, it has been decided to cease production of new units due to various factors, including the low demand for the product and problems in the supply chain.

Those who already have a Car Thing will be able to continue using it without any problem. In addition, the company has launched a promotional campaign, through which the remaining units will be sold at a reduced price of $49.99.

Despite ceasing production of Car Thing, Spotify remains focused on trying to deliver the best car experience possible, and not too long ago it announced an improved app interface that would be available when it detects that the user is driving. It is very likely that everything learned during the (brief) life of Car Thing will serve to continue improving Spotify’s car mode from now on.


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