Home Entertainment The creators of STALKER 2 shared three fresh screenshots

The creators of STALKER 2 shared three fresh screenshots

The creators of STALKER 2 shared three fresh screenshots

The creators of STALKER 2 shared three fresh screenshots

Creators STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl published three fresh images of the game that are basedon the trailer published in June: “Anomaly”, “Perimeter” and “Reflection”. And the developers accompanied their post with the following words:
“A lot of different life stories can be observed in the Zone – the most mysterious and dangerous place on the whole Earth. Thousands of daredevils from everywhere are looking for a new life here or purposefully go to their goals, each with personal motivation and their own destiny.
What are you looking for in the Zone, stalker? Tell us why you want to go beyond the Perimeter so much!”
Recall that the release of STALKER 2: Heart of Chornobyl recently postponed, now the game will be released no earlier than 2023. However, pre-orders are already underway, although for residents of Russia, the purchase will not be an easy task. In addition, the originally announced and even shown Russian voice acting developers decided to cut.
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Владимир Макаров


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