Home Entertainment the creators of the remake of Dead Space will deal with the game about Iron Man

the creators of the remake of Dead Space will deal with the game about Iron Man

the creators of the remake of Dead Space will deal with the game about Iron Man

Summer online information appearedwhat Electronic Arts preparing a game iron man – first about the comic book project Marvel told an insider Jeff Grubband then supplemented its information Tom Henderson. Now the first has shared new details of the game about the hero.
First of all, for the development of the Iron Man game, apparently will answer Studio EA Motivewhich is currently engaged remake of Dead Space – Horror will be released on January 27, 2023. At the same time, the project itself should supposedly be told in a relatively short time.
And although it will not be released sometime soon (given that much more active development will begin only in 2023), Grubb assuresthat the release of the Iron Man game will take place before the release of single project about Black Panther.

The latter is presumably being developed by a Seattle studio founded by a former VP Monolith Kevin Stevens. He led the development of games “Middle-earth: Shadows of Mordor” and “Shadows of War“.

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