Home Technology News Mobile The Google Play Store will now implement a time buffer for ratings and reviews

The Google Play Store will now implement a time buffer for ratings and reviews

The Google Play Store will now implement a time buffer for ratings and reviews


It looks like Google is taking some measures in order to curb suspicious reviews that might pop up on the Google Play Store. The company announced changes to its procedures, where there will now be up to a 24-hour delay with user-submitted ratings or reviews. Google states that by implementing this time gap, it will make it easier to filter out suspicious activity. During the 24-hour period, developers will still be able to comment and interact with ratings or reviews left on the Play Store, they just won’t be immediately be available to view by the public.

For the most part, leaving reviews and feedback are excellent ways to let developers know how you feel about their products. If constructive, it can enhance the experience for not only the developer but also the user. Unfortunately, there are a lot of scenarios where reviews can be manipulated, or the feedback can just become toxic. Despite Google’s best efforts to try and foster a helpful and truthful community, there are times when the tools and rules it has in place just aren’t enough.

rules changes for Google Play Store Sept 2022

According to Google, a fake or spam review is an inaccurate review or one review that has been posted multiple times. It also considers posting the same review under multiple accounts as being categorized as fake or spam. Finally, it states that misrepresenting one’s identity or connections are also not acceptable. There are also other guidelines in place to try and help the community to have a positive experience. Over the years, it has tried its best to eliminate spam and fake reviews.

By adding a 24-hour buffer for reviews, it can give developers and Google more time to sort through whatever feedback comes in. While a normal scenario will most likely never require this kind of buffer, there have been incidents in the past where a massive flood of reviews comes in, whether it is from genuine appreciation or spiteful hate. Still, these kinds of reviews need to be filtered through because if they aren’t actually coming from people that are interacting with the app, the review system can’t be relied on. Hopefully, this new system will work to protect developers, users, and the Google Play Store review system.

Source: Mishaal Rahman (Twitter)


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