Home Technology News Tech The new version of Android Auto can be seen in photos with a completely renewed design

The new version of Android Auto can be seen in photos with a completely renewed design

The new version of Android Auto can be seen in photos with a completely renewed design

The new ‘Coolwalk’ interface for Android Auto continues to show details, now with interesting double-page widgets for music playback apps.

The new version of Android Auto can be seen in photos with a completely renewed design

We have been waiting for months new Android Auto interfacealthough it seems that despite the multiple novelties of the so-called ‘cool walk’ we will have to keep waiting for Google to advance in its development a little more, because the truth is that we still do not have a defined release date.

In any case, we are following him closely because indeed We are facing the most profound change in Android Auto practically since its birthwith a complete redesign that, as the colleagues at 9to5Google told us, will take more information to the interface and more customizationincluding how you will see music widgets for applications like Spotify.

New Android Auto interface

Discover all the improvements that Android Auto includes with its new ‘Coolwalk’ interface.

The first catches of ‘cool walk’ they already showed us two columns of information with the map in large format accompanied by several different widgets, among which we can choose our messaging appsthe alarms and calendar appointments or the useful music playback controls available like this with a single touch on the screen.

What we didn’t know is that this new ability to personalize would also include controls and widgets for third party applications like Spotify, which will be integrated in the same way as YouTube Music to allow us to control our favorite music or podcasts in the car in a much simpler wayincluding on large screens up to a double page spread.

In the screenshots you can check the news seen in the latest ‘betas’ of Android Auto:

Android Auto is updated in a big way with split screen mode and new design

As current Android Auto users will know, right now we can only show music apps full size or reduce to a minimum logo in the navigation bar, where the basic play, pause and forward buttons are also displayed.

With ‘cool walk’ this will change for show us track information and coversin addition to playback controls, with widgets adaptable to all types of screenswhich will also work with third-party apps including this “double page” that in the case of Spotify will show the interface “For you” with our recommendationsa quick shuffle option based on your tastes, and much more.

What is sought is facilitate access to information and basic applicationssomething that in a vehicle is obviously very important so as not to distract us, making opening the Spotify or YouTube Music app totally expendable thanks to the home widget.

According to the users who have been able to test this new experimental function, it seems that for now it only works with Spotify although it can be adapted to practically any app of streaming musicalso YouTube Music and the others are likely to get their own dual-page widget in the new Android Auto interface very soon.

now only It remains for Google to set a date for the landing of ‘cool walk’because we have already been waiting for months and we still don’t see the light at the end of the tunnel… May it be soon!

All the apps you can use in Android Auto: complete guide


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