Home Technology News Tech The secret trick to use Android widgets that very few people know

The secret trick to use Android widgets that very few people know

The secret trick to use Android widgets that very few people know

Google Assistant hides the option to show you the widgets of your applications.

The secret trick to use Android widgets that very few people know

Use the android widgets without occupying space on the home screen of the mobile is possible, although very few people know it. It is a hidden function in the operating system available for some years, which allows “open” the widgets of the applications only when they are going to be used.

Best of all, is that thanks to this function, it is possible “invoke” widgets from anywhere, regardless of whether we find an open application or on the home screen. It’s such a useful feature, we’re surprised so few people use it on their Android devices.

Google Maps widget via Google Assistant

You can use your mobile widgets through the Google Assistant.

Use the Google Assistant to “summon” your favorite widgets

The integration of Android widgets in Google Assistant was introduced in the operating system since 2021. Since then, more and more applications have added support for this feature, which allows you to display a widget in the Google Assistant popup menuusing your voice or writing text.

The process is extremely simple, and from what we have been able to verify, it works on most smartphones of the main brands. you just have to summon the wizard with the voice command “Hey Google” or with the direct access you want, and launch the command “show me the google maps widget”. You can change Google Maps for practically any of the Google applications, as well as third-party applications that support this function (applications such as Telegram, Brave, MyFitnessPal or Spotify are just some of the compatible ones today).

The widgets visible on the Wizard page allow to interact with its controls, being able to open Google Keep notes, add new ones, search Maps and much more.

Thanks to this function, you can use widgets at any time without the need to return to the home screen or take up space on it. Without a doubt, it sneaks directly into our list of the best Android tricks that exist today.

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