Home Technology News Tech These are the 5 brands that currently sell the most mobiles

These are the 5 brands that currently sell the most mobiles

These are the 5 brands that currently sell the most mobiles

We review the mobile brands that have managed to sell the most devices so far this year

These are the 5 brands that currently sell the most mobiles

Five of the brands that sell the most mobile phones on the market have been able to accumulate over 220 million units of the total of 314 million that were sold throughout the first quarter of the year. Thanks to the latest market data compiled by the Bankless Times portal, we know how many units each of them has sold, and what their market share has been during the first three months of 2022.

One more time, Samsung has managed to get the first position in the ranking, and Manzana has managed to maintain its second position, despite the rapid growth of firms from China.

Various smartphones of 2022.

Several of the latest mobile references of the main brands available in the market.

Samsung, Apple and Xiaomi, the three brands that sold the most mobile phones in the first quarter of 2022

The report makes it clear that Samsung remains the undisputed leading firm of the telephone market, with a 23.4% market share during the first quarter of the year, thanks to sales of 73.6 million smartphones17 million more than Apple.

Those from Cupertino, for their part, maintain second position with an 18% market share, having sold 56 million iPhones. This represents a growth of 2.2% compared to the previous year.

Xiaomi sneaks into the third position, despite the fact that its sales fell by 18% compared to the previous year. Thus, it is positioned with a 12.7% market share, and sales of 39.9 million units.

The two sister firms under the umbrella of the BBK Electronics conglomerate: OPPO and vivo, cover the fourth and fifth position respectively, with shares of 8.7 and 8.1%. OPPO managed to sell 27.4 million units, which represents a drop of 27% compared to the previous year. For its part, vivo fell even more, 28%, by selling 25.3 million units of its smartphones.

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The first quarter of 2022 was the third consecutive in which the smartphone market registered a decrease in global sales. Shipments fell 8.9%, according to IDC, due to supply chain problems, inflation and global economic uncertainty. In this sense, they mention that Samsung and Apple they have been able to manage supply chain problems better than other companies.


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