Home Android News Tripsy 2.10 brings improved email handling and web-based itineraries

Tripsy 2.10 brings improved email handling and web-based itineraries

Tripsy 2.10 brings improved email handling and web-based itineraries


Popular trip management app Tripsy has been updated to version 2.10 with two big improvements; web-based itineraries and improved email handling and ingestion.

The new update is in the App Store now and it’s one that Tripsy users are going to want to get their hands on sooner rather than later. The headlined feature is perhaps the web-based itineraries that allow people to see what they have planned from within a web browser, even if they don’t have their iPhone or another Tripsy device to hand. The links are public as well, so itineraries can be shared easily.

It’s worth noting that the pages are read-only, something that could be a feature or a negative depending on how you look at it.

Now you can share a public link of your itinerary with anyone (literally anyone) to view the activities and documents of your trip. It has a really nice design and all of the information that you need from the places. The web page is read-only, so it’s not possible to collaborate from it.

The other big improvement is a new focus on email ingestion. Tripsy has long allowed people to email their trips into it, with the app parsing information and then turning it into data that can be used in-app. Now, Tripsy will also store those emails as well as any attachments so that they can be recalled whenever they’re needed — even when there’s no data connection.

This is an evolution of our Tripsy Automation feature. In the past releases, you would send your reservations, and then we would parse the activities (if we could) and add them to your itinerary automatically, with all parsed information organized. This is still happening, and every day it gets more powerful, with more parsers support. But we improved this feature beyond the parsers we support.

Email can be useful for many things. They contain such important information and attachments that we cannot limit them. So they have a place on Tripsy now. From this release, all emails that you forward to Tripsy will have a place and a way to organize the trip — even if they get parsed by us, you will have access to the email they sent all the time (even offline).

The ways that could be useful are many and varied, whether you want to be able to keep hold of important travel documents or just check out recommendations from friends for places that you should visit. Whatever the reason, Tripsy having access to your trip-based emails could be a game-changer.

The updated Tripsy can be downloaded from the App Store right now. Tripsy is one of the best iPhone apps at what it does and is well worth checking out if you’re someone who travels a lot.

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Oliver Haslam


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