Home Entertainment Vampire Survivors roguelike leaves early access October 20

Vampire Survivors roguelike leaves early access October 20

Vampire Survivors roguelike leaves early access October 20

In December 2021, independent developer Luca Galante, known as ponclereleased in early access Steam action movie with bagel elements Vampire Survivors. Despite the primitive appearance, the game met with an extremely positive reception: it is recommended by up to 98% buyers.
Now the game team announcedthat is ready to release an update to the release version. Vampire Survivors will leave Early Access on October 20th. At the same time, all the changes and additions that were planned for the early access period have already been made, so update 1.0 will be a surprise for players: no one knows yet what will be in it.

It is known that the release version will support the Russian language. And those who have already started playing will not have to lose their saves. Unless story events are optimized for integrity, achievements will change accordingly.

The release of version 1.0 does not mean that work on Vampire Survivors will be completed. The creators still have a lot of plans for post-release support. But they will be told in due time.

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