Home Android News Warren Buffett’s Apple sell-off cost him $18 billion

Warren Buffett’s Apple sell-off cost him $18 billion

Warren Buffett’s Apple sell-off cost him $18 billion


Warren Buffet’s decision to sell 12% of Berkshire Hathaway’s Apple holdings last year has cost him $18 billion, a new report says.

As we reported earlier today, Apple’s stock closed Wednesday at an all-time high of $144 Wednesday. As Business Insider notes, this means that Buffet and BH’s Apple holding is now worth $128 billion. It could have been more had Buffett not sold 12% of his Apple shares last year:

Warren Buffett’s Apple bet jumped in value to $128 billion on Wednesday, thanks to the iPhone maker’s stock price closing at a record high. The investor has more than tripled his money on Apple in the past three years- but he would have quadrupled it if he didn’t sell a chunk of the holding.
Buffett’s Berkshire Hathaway conglomerate spent $36 billion between 2016 and mid-2018 to amass the equivalent of 1 billion Apple shares, which would be worth $146 billion today. However, Buffett has cashed in about 12% of that stake in recent years.

Buffett has previously admitted that selling his Apple stock was ‘probably a mistake’ at a BH shareholders meeting last year:

“I sold some stock last year,” the famed investor said at Berkshire Hathaway’s annual meeting on Saturday. “That was probably a mistake.”

Buffett’s remaining holdings sit at $128 billion, shares that will pay out $791 million in dividends this year.

Apple will announce its Q3 earnings at a call on July 27, where it is expected to present strong year on year growth.


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