Home Entertainment Warren Spector and his team haven’t worked on System Shock 3 since 2019

Warren Spector and his team haven’t worked on System Shock 3 since 2019

Warren Spector and his team haven’t worked on System Shock 3 since 2019

A couple of years ago became knownwhat System Shock 3 engaged in Chinese giant Tencent, and there hasn’t been much news about the game since. And now Warren Spectorcreator Deus Ex and producer of the original System Shock, askedHow are you doing with the development of the game.

And so Spector admitted that he could not say anything about this, since it is Tencent that is now “moving the franchise forward”, and it is the company that will have to say what they want to say. And when Spector was asked how long his team had been working on System Shock 3, he replied: only in 2018 and 2019.

Returning to Spector, we note that in a recent interview, the developer also said that he was not interested in NFT – he considers it a bad idea to own virtual goods that can be instantly produced in unlimited quantities.

Although he is more favorable to the metaverses, which, according to the Specter, will not really appear for a very, very long time. However, he does not regret, because he “likes to live in the real world.”

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Владимир Макаров


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