Home சினிமா செய்திகள் What is the difference between Vikram Image Teaser and Jawan Image Teaser?

What is the difference between Vikram Image Teaser and Jawan Image Teaser?

What is the difference between Vikram Image Teaser and Jawan Image Teaser?


Aadli is best known for directing Raja Rani in Tamil cinema. Following this, he has directed films like Theri, Mersal and Bigil with Commander Vijay. All of these films grossed well.

Following this, he is directing a new film with Hindi actor Shah Rukh Khan. He spent the last few years working on directing the film. The teaser of the title of the film, which started by overcoming many obstacles, was released yesterday.

The film, titled ‘Jawan’, has been released in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada and Malayalam. Aadli usually copies old Tamil films. But, the old Tamil movie page did not go for the teaser titled ‘Jawan’. He has just gone to the new Tamil film page.

Yesterday, the title teaser of the movie ‘Vikram’ starring Kamal Haasan was released in the year 2020. They have created and released the ‘Jawan’ teaser based on the same concept. Anirudh has composed the music for both the films.

It is also worth noting that critics have been saying that it would be nice if director Audley could tell me what the 6 differences are for two teasers in this situation.

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