Home Entertainment World War 3 has problems again, now in open testing

World War 3 has problems again, now in open testing

World War 3 has problems again, now in open testing

Polish studio The Farm 51 the other day start open beta testing of an online shooter world war 3, and from that moment on, the game officially switched to a shareware model. Unfortunately, for a long period of early access and closed tests, she did not manage to get rid of the problems.
AT Steam The rating of the game dropped sharply after the opening of free access. At the moment the players leave mostly negative reviews, and recommends the game only a quarter of those who met it.

Among the main reasons for dissatisfaction are problems with the launch of the game, crashes and an abundance of bugs and cheaters. Players are unhappy with the matchmaking system, which makes you wait in line for hours and throws on the same map. According to the observations of old-timers, for three years, most of the errors have not been corrected.

Everyone can get acquainted with the free tactical online first-person shooter World War 3 on Steam or on official website. The game supports the Russian language, and at the level of voice acting. Until October 6, players are entitled to an experience bonus in each battle.

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