Home Technology News Tech You can now react to WhatsApp messages with any emoji

You can now react to WhatsApp messages with any emoji

You can now react to WhatsApp messages with any emoji


Compared to Messenger, also owned by Meta, it took WhatsApp a very long time to implement emoji reactions, and it’s finally released this capability recently to much enjoyment from users worldwide. There was still a problem, however – namely that you only had six options, pre-chosen for you by the WhatsApp developers.

This was undoubtedly still a step in the right direction, but many users wanted more. And today WhatsApp delivers, as you can now react with any emoji you want.

This is obviously a very tiny addition to what is still a pretty new feature, but we’re guessing a lot of you will love it. As always with such things, the rollout might take a few days to reach all Android and iOS devices out there using WhatsApp, but rest assured that the feature is finally on its way.


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