Home Entertainment Zaraan race will appear in Star Wars Eclipse

Zaraan race will appear in Star Wars Eclipse

Zaraan race will appear in Star Wars Eclipse

On the podcast Sacred Symbols gave details about Star Wars Eclipse. The game is still in pre-production, however, a number of materials with individual moments of the future project have come to the podcast hosts.
How claim hosts, David Cage and Adam Williams are working on the plot of Star Wars Eclipse. The action will take place 200 years before the events of “Hidden threat“. And the Zaraan race, completely new to the universe, will play an important role in the plot.Star Wars“. This is an aggressive race in which no distinction is made between men and women in terms of duties.

The representatives of Zaraan are led by a heroine named Sarah. She is about 30 years old, and she resembles an athletic person. She has a husband, Xendo, and part of the plot will be devoted to the relationship between them: Zaraan’s family becomes an integral unit, and Sarah and Xendo interpret the mission of the nation in different ways.

However, the presenters warn that a lot can change during the development process.

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