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FIFA 2022: FIFA World Cup 2022 and the Politics around it

FIFA 2022: FIFA World Cup 2022 and the Politics around it


The slogan “One Love” and the rainbow flag on it are symbols of LGBTQ rights.

Before each team starts the match, only eleven players will take a photo. All the German soldiers covered their mouths with their hands while taking it. In other words, they did this because the laws in force in Qatar are anti-gay, unfriendly to workers, and therefore they are prohibited from expressing their feelings against it.

The World Cup is not only a place where sportspersons express their emotions and politics, but fans and spectators also take advantage of the event. Many spectators showed their feelings by holding Palestinian flags in the arena.

One hall, almost 86 thousand people. 99 percent of them are Brazil team supporters. Almost everyone is dressed in yellow and green clothes, Brazilian flags, masks, drums and hats. These are not all people from Brazil, mostly Indians, Arabs and many other nationalities who carried the flag of Brazil and cheered. They forget themselves and scream for the ball that is kicked towards the goal post every time. In Brazil, when a teammate gets pushed off, they get angry and scold.



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