Home சினிமா செய்திகள் Gopi trapped between Murthy and Kannan .. Shock waiting for Radhika to call ..!

Gopi trapped between Murthy and Kannan .. Shock waiting for Radhika to call ..!

Gopi trapped between Murthy and Kannan .. Shock waiting for Radhika to call ..!


Pakkiyalakshmi and Pandian Stores are the hits that are running as hits on Vijay TV.

Everyone is invited to eat. Pakiyalakshmi says that it is also right for Pakiyalakshmi to give an idea of ​​what crap the men should eat first as there are a total of 16 out of 8 people in the Pakiyalakshmi family and they cannot sit and eat together. Then Murthy, who saw Kobe eating lightly while everyone was sitting down to eat, pours out four or five Italians as to what Machan you should eat like this. Similarly, Jeeva tells Cheliyan to pour Italy and eat it.

And then Meena and Aishwarya alternately flirt with each other while Meena Aishwarya and Iniya are talking. Jenny and Iniya talk about how Kannan helped Aishwarya get married. They talk and laugh about things that happened after the wedding. Aishwarya joins Meena in the side cap and makes it dissolve.

Kannan Chezhiyan and Jeeva are talking on this page. And Kannan gathers Aishwarya and goes to eat barota and tells the story of how she ran away in fear after seeing the police and everyone laughs. After that Kadir says don’t do all that to ask if Cheyenne is eating. At this point Murthy arrives and tells him not to ask about the cargo either.

After that Iniya laughs to ask if you can come here and sleep to get Gopi to come to the room too. Meena, sister Aishwarya, I’m going to sleep there to ask if anyone in your room is Daruvia. Uncle Murthy and Uncle Kannan are the ones who keep telling you to go to sleep too.

After this, Kannan tells Gopi to go to the terrace and lie down to tell Gopi that 3 people cannot sleep in this box. Then Murthy says, “No, I’m not going to lie down on the terrace. The guy gets stuck in the middle to lie on one side. Kannan puts the song elsewhere and gets heavy.

After a while, the two fell asleep. Kannan thinks he is Aishwarya and lifts his leg on Gopi and hugs and kisses her. Then Kopi Kannan kicks him in the leg and scolds him.

Also on this page Jeeva and Kadir come to sleep in Chezhiyan’s room.

This page is about Mulla and Aishwarya. Then they go inside and tell them I do not know if you need to take treatment. Pakiya says that you and Aishwarya will have a baby soon like Aunty said.

On this page Gopi is stuck between Murthy and Kannan and then Radhika goes to reply that Gopi is also asleep to message. Immediately Radhika rings the phone and then Murthy leaves without picking up Gopi’s phone to ask if the phone will ring during this time. Then what office call do you have at Kobe 11? He tells you to make a phone call and stop doing business. She tells Gopi to lie down and advises him. Kannan says that he is going to have enough guard blood. With this, today’s episode of Pakkiyalakshmi serial ends with Gopi getting hit in the head.



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